Importance of Arch Support in Pickleball Shoes (How Does It Help In Pickleball?)

Pickleball, a fast-paced racquet sport, has gained immense popularity for its fun and competitive nature. In this dynamic game, every step and pivot matters. Footwear is pivotal in a player’s performance and safety on the court. However, what most Pickleball players, especially novice ones, ignore is the importance of arch support in pickleball shoes.

Importance of Arch Support in Pickleball Shoes

Arch support in Pickleball shoes is crucial for comfort, stability, and injury prevention. You’ll perform better on the court, as it distributes weight evenly and reduces strain on your arches. Without it, you risk discomfort and potential foot problems. Keep an eye out to learn more.

There is no doubt that Pickleball is one of the games in which your feet have to do a lot of work. You must continuously move your feet in different directions to hit the ball. However, in the fast movements of the foot, the second most important after-shoe traction is the arch support.

Arch support is basically a kind of device put on the insole of the Pickleball shoe that supports the arches of your feet and keeps them sturdy and balanced on the ground. If your Pickleball shoe’s arch support is good, it can help prevent any injury, reducing the pressure on the foot arch and reducing pain in the foot on the court. The arch support in Pickleball shoes comes in two types. Let’s talk about each of them now.

Types of Arch support

Mainly, the Arch support in Pickleball comes in three different types that are put on your shoe’s sole in different ways. Let’s talk about each now, one by one.

Built-in arch support 

Built-in arch support, as the name suggests, is built into the Pickleball shoe in the midsole. It’s usually made up of foam, gel, and plastic. This type of arch support is more comfortable and the best option for those who don’t want to hassle removing their arch support after each match. Built-in arch support, as the name suggests, is built into the Pickleball shoe in the midsole. It’s usually made up of foam, gel, and plastic. This type of arch support is more comfortable and the best option for those who don’t want to hassle removing their arch support after each match.

Removable arch supports

Removable arch supports are inserts that you can place in the midsole of your shoe. Just like the built-in arch support, it’s also made up of foam, gel, and plastic. Removable arch supports are the best for those who have multiple Pickleball shoes. Because they can use it in any pair of shoes they want without spending extra bucks on buying new arch-support shoes. Also, the best thing about removable arch supports is that they’re adjustable. It means you can adjust the arch according to your comfort.

You can go for These two types of arch support in Pickleball shoes. Choose the one that you’re comfortable with. Now, the question is, what’s the importance of arch support in Pickleball shoes?

What’s The Importance of Arch in Pickleball

Arch support has significant importance in Pickleball shoes. In Pickleball, arch support is important.

Maintaining Proper Foot Alignment

When there is no proper foot alignment on the court, and you’re moving too fast, the arch of your feet may collapse. When the arch collapses, the foot rolls inward, leading to serious injuries. However, arch support gives your feet proper alignment, because of which you get good balance and stability during your gameplay.

Evenly distributing pressure

The arch support distributes pressure evenly across your feet. This even distribution is key in preventing discomfort during those marathon games and fending off conditions like plantar fasciitis. Without it, certain parts of your foot take a beating, causing pain and inflammation. 

Enhancing Performance

Good arch support in your shoe gives you enough stability and support for making quick movements on the court in any direction you want. Because of that, you hit the shots bigger, more effectively, and more efficiently. However, when the arch support doesn’t support your feet, this will significantly affect your performance on the court.

Reducing fatigue

Arch support also helps reduce fatigue by providing the necessary support and cushioning for the feet. This is especially beneficial during long matches or intense practice sessions, allowing players to maintain their energy levels and focus on their game.

Catering to various foot shapes

Pickleball shoes with customizable insoles or built-in arch support are like a one-size-fits-all solution. They’re designed to accommodate different foot shapes, whether you have low, medium, or high arches. 

So, no matter your foot type, you can find a shoe that gives you the support and comfort you need to dominate the pickleball court. That’s the importance of Arch support in Pickleball:

How Do You Know That Your Shoe Has Arch Support?

You can find out if your shoe has arch support using the simple methods below.

Check the midsole

As I’ve mentioned above, the arch inserts of your shoes are located in the midsole of your shoe. So, touch the midsole of your shoe and see if there are any raised arches. If there is an arch, the shoes provide arch support.

Feel the insole

It’s the insert inside the shoe. If the insole has a raised arch, then the shoe provides arch support.

Twist the shoe

A shoe with good arch support can be twisted easily. A shoe with good arch support should be difficult to twist.

Try on the shoe

The last thing you can do is try it on. Wear it and walk in it. It means it provides arch support if it’s comfortable and supportive.

That’s how you can find out whether your shoe has arch support or not. Now, I’ve got some of your questions that I’m going to answer.

Importance of arch support in pickleball shoes - tips chart


What makes a good shoe for pickleball?

A good pickleball shoe is lightweight, has good traction, and provides adequate arch support.

Do I need special shoes for pickleball?

Special pickleball shoes are not required, but they are designed to meet the specific needs of pickleball players.

Can I wear regular sneakers for Pickleball?

It’s okay to wear regular sneakers for Pickleball, but they might not provide the same performance and support as dedicated Pickleball shoes.

Final Words

Arch support in Pickleball shoes gives you stability, balance, and comfort on the court, which prevents serious injuries. The importance of arch support in Pickleball shoes is now clear to you. If you have more questions related to the topic, please ask them in the comment section below.

Ameli Jame
Ameli Jame

Meet Ameli Jame, the Pickleball Maestro! With a paddle as her wand and the court as her canvas, Ameli has honed pickleball into an art form. Whether you're a seasoned player or a novice, Ameli's expertise and passion will elevate your game. Immerse yourself in the world of pickleball through her insights, strategic tips, and spirited stories. Get ready to smash, volley, and dink your way to pickleball glory under Ameli Jame's guidance. Let's score some points and have a smashing good time on the courts!

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